Thursday, December 12, 2013

24 hour binge

Do you ever celebrate something too early?  Get so excited about something that you throw all caution to the wind?

Yeahh.... I might have done that.

Remember when I said that my goal was to get below 135 lbs?
Tuesday, 7 days in! {ignore my toes, I need a pedicure desperately!)

I had been sticking to the cleanse, drinking the fiber drinks, eating clean, avoiding booze at holiday parties. I was basically owning this cleanse like a boss.  Then I saw that magical number on the scale and it was all downhill from there.  And up on the scale.

Tuesday night I finally went to see Catching Fire (amazing, go see it now) but I went on an empty stomach. BIG MISTAKE! I snuck in a huge bottle of water like a good girl but a weakness of mine is those delectable corn dog nuggets that only certain theaters sell.  It was my lucky night because the theater we chose had those puppies front and center at the concessions counter.  While I was waiting an impossibly long 5 minutes for them I also ordered the onion rings. Hey, go big or go home right?

Then I got home and ate a brownie. Cause the corn dog nuggets and onion rings weren't enough.

Wednesday morning the scale was not so kind to me. And honestly, I expected it.  I'm not back up to my pre-cleanse weight but I did lose some progress.  The worst part? I had already made plans with friends to grab lunch at this smalltown smokehouse that is known for their chicken fried steak. So what's a girl do? She gets in her workout, puts on her big girl pants, and chows down on delicious chicken fried steak.

Seriously, so damn good.  If you come visit me, we will go.

To wrap up the day I ate another brownie last night while writing this post. Might as well end on a high note, amiright?

My timing for the drinks and pills during the cleanse has been a little off, so I've still got 2 days to go.  I know I can recover and it's just about making better choices.  I'm planning on continuing on with the 24 day challenge and as luck would have it, my shakes and MNS supplements arrived today.  Stay tuned for final weigh-in and measurements in a few days!


PS - Look what glorious sign I spotted not 1 mile from my house this morning?? Hallelujah! A Christmas miracle!


  1. The holidays are the hardest time to stick with a diet. But thats good that youre not completely quitting because you have slip ups! Good luck :)

  2. Heaven is going to be just around the corner soon!!! Look at that beautiful sign! (coffee lover here)

    I'm not close to my end of 2013 goal, but just started a new 'cleanse' type product that I'm reviewing this week. Hopefully it will help kick the bad habit of this week out of my routine.

  3. OMG your area needs a real Starbucks! Woo hooooo!

  4. I'm not even sure what a chicken fried steak is...but it certainly looks yummy! Gotta splurge every once in a while! :)


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