Wednesday, September 18, 2013

wedding wednesday fail

Don't lie. You said it in the camel voice, either out loud or in your head. Doesn't matter how many times I see it. Never gets old.
But hump day means that I'm at clinical all day long.  Please send me good vibes. Psych is not my nursing forte. I know, I've said this before. I'm repeating it because it's true! Thankfully, this is my second to last clinical for this course.  The end cannot come soon enough.

Except, that it is coming too soon. This course is 6 weeks long and we are in the midst of 4 straight weeks of tests.  I hardly have time to attend clinical (60 hours in total) and read the chapters before it's time to take another test. Throw in my community learning project, two new courses starting up, running and you know - LIFE - and what have you got? A stressed and sleep deprived girl.

How does this relate to Wedding Wednesday? Well, because I failed at the planned post.  I'll be back soon with a great post on my ideas for table decor including some wonderful little Etsy shops I plan on using. But for now, I need to read and sleep and see my man.

Thanks for being supportive.
(Sorry for the pity post!)

Happy hump day, y'all!


PS - For putting up with my lack of post and complaining, here is a little treat. When I taught, it was in a district you might call "hood" or "ghetto" so this is all too true.  Enjoy!
Warning: Some vulgarity. So don't play it on full volume in your cubicle!

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