Yesterday I posted this little to do list so let's see how much I accomplished before moving on, shall we?
run 2 miles
complete psych assignment
read at least one chapter in psych
read at least one chapter in psych
Looks like I had about a 50% success rate. Not too terrible but I really need to stop procrastinating this psych work. I'm curious, how do you motivate yourself to do something you are really not excited about doing?
Alright, on to wedding things.
Y'all, I am at a lost for this registry business. I spend what felt like 500 hours setting up registries and then deleting them, research various sites, putting on our website only to take them down, yada yada yada.
Here's the deal. B bought the house we live in before we were even dating. And I lived on my own for two years while we were dating but before we moved in together. So, we've got plenty of stuff. Trust me, the process of moving in together was painful because it seemed like we had two of everything and we had to figure out what to keep, what to donate, what to sell.
And for the most part, we've got stuff we like. Before you starting getting ahead of yourself, NO. We don't have fancy stuff. Most of our things are from Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. (And there is nothing wrong with that. I looooove me some Target!) We don't have a bunch of Crate & Barrel/Restoration Hardware/Pottery Barn things in our house. Though I wish we did! Plus, our
What I'm getting at is, I can't think of many traditional items to register for and I don't want to ask for furniture because a) it's expensive and b) I hope we move into a new house in a few years and who knows what we'll need then. What's our solution then? To register at a catch-all site AND register for our honeymoon. (Did you all just cringe? Or say to yourself that this is tacky?)
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This site is great! I looked at a ton of sites where you could put items from different stores into one common registry and this one seemed to be the best for our needs. Some of the stores are linked (Macy's, William-Sonoma, Crate & Barrel) which means that your registry at that store communicates with your registry on the website. So if someone buys you a gift off your registry, whether in-store, online, or from GiftRegistry360, all the registries reflect that purchase.
For other stores that are not linked (Target, Home Depot, Bed, Bath & Beyond), the purchaser needs to come back to the site to mark the item off as checked. For our wedding guests who are part of the millennial generation (or whatever we're called... Gen X? Gen Y?) I doubt this will be an issue. The registry site clearly explains that. For our older guests, it may be an issue but I'm not overly concerned. So we get a repeat gift. I'm sure we can use a gift receipt and exchange it. Not the end of the world.
Bottom Line: The fact that items are linked from certain retailers is a huge advantage over some of the other sites I looked at (Merci Registry, We were able to register for items from your typical stores like Crate & Barrel to Home Depot and Anthropologie - score!
Honeymoon Registry
This is where it gets a little tricky. I am well aware that this is a newer idea and it may not sit well with people. B and I work really hard and we want to be able to take a nice honeymoon. But there is no way we can afford one currently. He is paying all of our bills and I'm in school full-time. We will get married in March, I graduate in April, and then take the licensing exam in May. We don't know yet when the honeymoon will be (June or July) but unless we want to spend a night in Galveston, we can't afford anything else on our own. And no, Galveston is not an option! It's our honeymoon - we only get one!
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Here is what I'm hoping to get out of a honeymoon registry:
- guests can gift us a portion of travel and lodging (a night in the hotel, $50 toward airfare)
- guests can gift us an experience (scuba diving, massage, dinner)
- money is not tied to the actual item (if we are only gifted $100 out of the $200 for a couple's massage, then we are free to use the money in another way - or pay the rest out of pocket)
- we can use the money ourselves to purchase these things (don't have to go through the site)
- there is no fee for the guests
- there is no fee for us
I would LOVE to hear any and all advice you ladies have on this topic! What are your can't-live-without house items? What did you do (or wish you did) for your honeymoon? Have you had any success or failure registering for a honeymoon?
Thank you!
PS - If you want to see my wedding website or our gift registry, just comment below! I don't mind emailing it out but I don't want to post it for any ol' crazy to stalk!

My house was never so clean as when I was in grad school. I've seen a few of my friends register for their honeymoon. I think it is more common because people are moving out while still single so they accumulate a lot of things already. I'd rather gift you an experience than a material item. And I always hate shopping off of bridal registries and buying boring things like napkins and towels.
ReplyDeleteEek, I wonder if a no charge honeymoon site exists, simply because how else would they make money? I doubt they get ad-generated income. But if it's out there, I'm sure you'll find it!
ReplyDeleteWe returned half the stuff we registered for and got practical things instead. After three years, my favorite things are quality silverware (we had cheapies before and there is such a difference!), nice sheets, good towels, and a few crystal items given by our parents that I know I will keep forever. I would recommend replacements for anything you would never splurge on for yourself (like towels!). Take advantage - southerners love giving gifts while northerners give cash!
I would definitely agree with Lauren--we are so happy to have multiple sets of dinnerware, pots and pans we like, a few crystal pieces, fancy bedding, and in general things we would never have bought ourselves!
ReplyDeleteI think that registering for a honeymoon is becoming much more mainstream now. That said, you're right, it doesn't sit well with some people. I'd personally rather contribute to that for someone than to just give a random set of towels that the couple may not actually need and isn't AS exciting. Personal opinion of course :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't really looked into websites that cater toward any store. Jeremy really wants there to be a physical store that people can go to and he wants it to be easy to do. I think someone (like his parents) going to the website, then heading to the store, then having to go back to the website to check the item off is not going to happen. Oh well. I am totally happy with William Sonoma, Pottery Barn, ect.
ReplyDeleteAs for the honeymoon registry, I don't think it's taboo. We have a similar situation (we just don't have the funds for one right now) and were thinking about doing that, but I think we decided to just wait and do a full fledge honeymoon in 2015 instead. There is a REALLY nice hotel that I would like to stay at for a few days after the wedding, and then we can decide where we want to go and start planning that. I will probably post about that next week.
Thanks for linking up!