Friday, February 28, 2014



 8 more days.

Then all the sleeps during Spring Break.

Thanks for sticking by while I ignore my blog. But I'm am [somewhat] active on insta (@cregan) and twitter (@yfgblog).


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

weekend of my favorite things

If you follow me on instagram then you already know that B was in NOLA this weekend for his bachelor party and my bestie came to town to visit.  Nice how that worked out, huh?  It was actually more like this:

Jenni ended up having some southwest miles to cash in so it worked out pretty perfectly.

And we were awesomely productive while she kept my mind off the fact that my soon-to-be hubs was getting wild and crazy in a town where there are topless chicks on every street corner, the booze flows like Niagara Falls, and I don't entirely trust his friends. I love 'em, but I don't trust 'em.

I think play-by-play weekend updates are a little boring unless you've got super big news such as a) you birthed a child and have lots of pictures, b) you got engaged and have lots of pictures of the ring, 3) you got married and have lots of pictures.  Since none of THOSE happened, I'll just stick to sharing some pics from the weekend.

No pictures from Friday night but this should give you an idea.
Dragged our asses to the gym. Have I mentioned how much I am loving Planet Fitness?
Attempting to shop for bridesmaid jewelry at Kendra Scott.
The original pin that inspired my love of navy dresses. Ideally I'd like to recreate this necklace look but it is proving harder than expected.
Basically I want this bracelet in necklace form.  Which is apparently as hard as hunting down Bigfoot.
I do love the look of these five similar but not identical bracelets, though.
Our wine for the night.  Monogamy was excellent but I we also started with it which means by the time we got to Bliss this lightweight would have drank anything.
Our super fancy cheese/cracker/meat spread.  Maybe I should have registered for a cheese platter and cheese knives?
My adorable date for the weekend.

Recent hashtags.  #winningatlife
Romo couldn't make it so we had a 2 1/2 hour FaceTime date instead. Totally normal.

Saying our goodbyes at the airport.  See you a few weeks, friend!
We also managed to go out for sushi, take a Pure Barre class, hit up Starbucks, find some amazing deals at Langford Market, and do way too much online shopping. I blame the wine for that one. On the upside, I may have found wedding earrings and a rehearsal dinner dress so stayed tuned for those updates.

The heinous adorable gift my hubby-to-be brought me from his weekend away.  He honestly thinks it would make a good caketopper.  Sorry honey, but no.  Over my dead body (see what I did there?).

If you've made it this far, send me some good vibes. I've got my final exam for pediatrics this morning followed immediately by my ATI exam in the course as well.  Oh joy, a morning of tests.


Friday, February 7, 2014

pearly whites!

I am supposed to be cleaning my house right now since my bestie is come to visit while B is away at his bachelor weekend but instead I'm snuggling the pups and blogging.  Sorry, Jenni!

Before I get into my Follow Through Friday business, can I ask you all a favor?

Would you please take 30 seconds to send a valentine card to a sick child at Texas Children's Hospital?  It's quick, easy, and free.  You can send as many as you'd like. You can share it on all your social media outlets.

I just wrapped up my pediatric clinical rotation at TCH and it was amazing. Even the floors that didn't really excite me were wonderful. The kids are absolutely inspiring and their families are so strong.  I know now that I want to work there and that is exciting and terrifying.  But in the meantime, consider sending a valentine card or two or ten.


So what's new in my Follow Through Friday?  Pearly whites, that's what!

I few weeks back I mentioned that I wanted to start taking better care of my teeth and make them whiter.  I began by flossing every most evenings before bed and using a whitening gel a few nights a week.  I was seeing some improvement, and lots of bleeding from flossing, but really wasn't happy with the progress.  In particular I had a tooth that seemed really stained. I put extra whitener on it, flossed more around that tooth, and let my electric toothbrush just hang out on the tooth. But nothing was really doing it.

Today I went to a new dentist.  I hated the dentist I had to see on my old insurance - it was one of those box chain dentist stores.  Ugh.  But a friend who is from Houston recently graduated dental school and gave me a few referrals.  Note: If you're in the Houston area and need a new dentist, check out Dr. McEwen at Richmond Landing Family Dentistry.

I loved Dr. McEwen and his team!

WARNING: Do not judge my crowded bottom teeth! Or my uneven skin tone! I'm working on the skin and I hope to do Invisalign in the near future. (Yes, Mom, I should have worn my retainer. Or the orthodontist should have given me a permanent retainer like everyone else I know.)

Drumroll please......

I still feel like my teeth have room to whiten, but I've got a 2-hour Rembrant whitener kit that I'm going to do closer to the wedding.  But the big news is - LOOK AT THAT TOOTH! It was so stained (or so I thought) and turned out it was tartar that they could clean off.  Thank goodness (and eeew!!)! 

Latte through a straw is my new favorite thing.  And I think it will help keep my teeth nice and bright!

Now... anyone know where I can get one of those scrapey dentist tools? I'm sort of obsessed with having one since that my teeth are so clean!

How is Follow Through Friday going for you ladies? Any updates you want to share? Link up and check out the cohosts :)


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, January 31, 2014

which came first, the chicken or the ... funk?

I've been in a serious funk.  Not in all aspects of my life (wedding and school stuff is swell) but in terms of health... yikes.  Let me paint you an ugly picture: last week was my bachlorette which was amazing but full of booze, food, and no working out.  Then I had a terrible test to study for, which mean lots of Starbucks and fast food but, you guessed it, no working out.  I tried to work out Wednesday after my test but instead drove through Chick-fil-a before falling asleep at 7:30. No joke.  Thursdays are my clinical and guess what is right in the hospital? Damn Chick-fil-a.  And then last night, after a 13 hour day, my lovely beau called and I picked us up some, YOU GUESSED, mother-freaking-Chick-fil-a. AHHH.  Willpower, I don't have any.

But you know what else happened this week? I tried on my wedding dress with the alterations.  I love my dress but I am not happy with my armpit vaginas.

What does this have to do with my weird blog title? I'm getting to that. This is what happens when you blog while catching up on TV shows.  I've been in this funk. And eating lots of fast food... mostly chicken, which is actually a coincidence with this chicken/egg analogy.  So which is causing it? Am I in a funk and that's why I'm allowing myself to slide into such terrible habits? Or did I neglect my healthy habits which caused my funk?

Really though, does it matter?

So I did what any normal person would do. I laid in bed for an hour to debate going to the gym, then dragged myself there and posted a pre-gym seflie.  I won't lie, all those likes and comments certainly kept me going during my workout. Thanks, biatches.

In all seriousness I would love to just tone things up a scoach and slim down a tidge before March 8th gets here.  And it looks like that is going to mean buckling down with my fitness and eating boring (but predictable) meals like plain chicken, veggies without butter, fruit & spinach smoothies, and egg whites.  I also think I'm going to do the 24 day challenge. I ordered it today and will keep you updated when I plan to start. Thinking sometime next week but we'll see.

Gotta love the gym selfies, red face and all!

Alright, I need to write some thank you notes and shower before heading to Pure Barre.  That's right ladies, this chick is getting in TWO workouts today.  Booyah!

Be sure to join the link up with these kickass ladies! If I can link up at 3pm, so can you! Dream big!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Alright, really got to get my ass in gear.  Have a great weekend!!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I am writing this post at 12:30am on Tuesday while listening to a review module for tomorrow's exam.  It is basically talking about how toddlers are tyrants so it is also excellent birth control. Two birds, one stone!

I have discovered an excellent solution to our recycling problem.  Oh, you didn't know we had a problem? For the last year (or longer), we have just been stacking our recyclables in the corner of the bar counter in our kitchen.  It's relatively close to the garage and we can put all our recycling in one large container. So my wonderful solution is (drumroll please...) a brown paper bag! Now our recycling doesn't spread over the counter or fall on the floor. Plus, the whole bag just get thrown in our recycling bin.  I'm a genius.

follow me on twitter @yfgblog #shamelessplug
I'm kind of pissed that Grey's Anatomy isn't back yet. But seeing as though DirecTV users are no longer allowed on the ABC app, I'm mostly just mad at ABC. How rude!

I'm listening to all kinds of stuff on youtube trying to find our first dance song.  Any suggestions out there?

My diet is all over the place.  I think I might try to track my macros but we'll see how that goes. I'm pretty back at sticking to a strict plan like that if someone isn't actually giving me menu ideas for each meal.

I'm working on my PB challenge 30 classes in 40 days but I don't think I'll make it.  I'm out of town the next two weekends and can't ever make class on Thursdays due to clinical.

Speaking of out of town... my bachelorette party is this weekend! I'm heading to Dallas to meet up with a bunch of my girlfriends and my wonderful bestie is hosting the whole thing.  She is seriously a saint! Not sure how much will be appropriate to post, but you better believe I'll be on IG (@cregan85)!

Alright ladies, back to studying. Send me some good vibes this morning for my exam!


ps - thanks for the idea, roxy!